
Create new account

1. Click the Create new account link on the log in screen. Refer to the image below.
        Log in screen
2. Complete the account request form in the image below and click the Next button.
        Account Request Form
3. On the form pictured below, create your user name and password. In addition, enter a validate email address where we can contact you. Click the Create User button to create your account. Note: You will receive an email confirmation with your account information. Your new account will remain inactive until an EVTTS administrator approves your request.
        Account Request Form
4. If you have any questions please click here for contact information.

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Recover Password

1. Click the forgot my password link on the log in screen. Refer to the image below.
        Log in screen
2. On the Password Recovery screen below, enter your user name and click the Submit button.
        Password Recovery screen
3. You will be redirect to the screen in the image below after you complete the previous step. In addition, you will receive an email with your log in credentials.
        Password Recovery Confirmation screen
4. If you have any question please click here for contact information.

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